Hello Comfort. Goodbye Bugs.

What is Pest Control Insulation?
T•A•P is a natural fiber insulation treated with Boric acid to produce fire-retardant, thermally superior, sound deadening insulation with permanent pest control properties. T•A•P isacceptable for use around humans and pest but deadly to cockroaches, silverfish, ants, millipedes, termites and other pests listed on the label.
How does is work?
T•A•P is a losse fill cellulose insulation blown in using a machine. Unlike rolled insulation T•A•P forms a perfect fit filling nooks and crannies. T•A•P can be used as a "cap" over existing insulation in an attic or can be used on its own. Pests crawel through the insulation transferring Boric acid to their bodies and will die after ingesting it.
How will I save money?
when added to existing insulation or installed on its own T•A•P helps keep comfortable air in the living area of your home. This reduces the energy required to head and cool your home reducing your heating and cooling bills, saving you additional money by decreasing wear and tear on your HVAC system.
How does it compare?
T•A•P Pest Control Insulation is one fo the best performing insulations on the market, outperforming traditional fiberglass insulation by 32% while providing a permanent pest control for your attic.
Is T•A•P really a Green product?
Yes!T•A•P has earned the ENERGY STAR from the EPA. T•A•P contains 87% recycled paper. Installing T•A•P in a 1500 sq ft new ranch style home effectively reycles as much newsprint as a family will consume in 40 years; not only recycling, but removing it from the waste stream saving landfill space. Glass fiber contains only about 20 % recycled content and data reported to the Canadian Standards Association suggests glass fiber production requires 59 times more energy than cellulose production!
T•A•P provides you with permanent attic pest protection from the following